ЗАО «Русхимсеть»

+7 495


AO "Ruskhimset" is a large-scale Russian and CIS distributor of chemical raw materials. At present the assortment of the products purchased by us amounts 800 items. It increases steadily according as the growth of the company.

Russian suppliers of chemical raw materials direct their attention to the servicing of petrochemical industry and can not offer the wide assortment of the products which are necessary to our customers from other branches. Owing to this fact we are interested in organization of stable supplies of foreign manufactured chemical raw materials in significant volumes.

AO "Ruskhimset" needs supplying with chemical raw materials for the following industries:

Mechanical rubber and tire
Paints, varnishes and coatings
Water paints
Plastics, resins and composites
PVC - composites
Washing and disinfectant materials
Machine oil and lubricant
Food and beverage
Cosmetic and fragrances
Oil-and-gas and mining
Water treatment
Pulp and paper
Metallurgy and metal-working

We look forward to obtaining in you a reliable partner who is ready to implement supplies on a long-term and mutually beneficial basis.